We provide the highest quality sports injury rehabilitation for athletes of all levels.

As a leader in sports medicine technology and research, we are able to effectively treat a wide range of sports injuries and significantly reduce recovery time.


Sports Medicine Doctor FAQ

Migraine Headaches
TMJ Pain
Teeth Clencher
Tension Headache

Elbow Pain
Golfer’s Elbow Medical Epicondylitis and Epicondylitis
Tennis Elbow Lateral Epicondylitis and Epicondylitis

Hip Bursitis
Strained Hip Flexor
Gluteal Strain
Piriformis Syndrome

Leg Pain
Shin Splints
Calf Sprain and Strain – acute, chronic, recurrent
Stress Fracture

If you are an athlete, chances are you have suffered from many sports injuries. With over 200 bones, 650 muscles and 900 ligaments in the human body, there are a lot of ways to do damage. If you live an active lifestyle or play sports your risk for injury increases. Not warming up before activity or taking too much time off between activity increases your risk. Of course, participating in high contact sports like hockey or football make sports injuries a commonality.

Here at Spinal Rehab Sports Medicine, we understand that suffering from sports injuries is frustrating. Sitting on the sidelines because of pain and loss of mobility is no fun. But you don’t have to sit out of the game forever! Dr. Bob Meyer has been practicing sports medicine for over 25 years and can help you recover. As a sports medicine doctor, he’s helped thousands of patients recover from sports injuries. Some of his patients are among the most recognized professional and collegiate athletes. He has been a doctor for The University of Texas athletics program since 1999 and is proud to bring the same standards to his clinic in Austin, TX.

All athletes can often recover from sports injuries with the proper sports injury treatment plan. We can help you decrease pain and immobility without the need for prescription drugs or surgery.